The Psy Bin

Before you read this (or any) blog, ride the Clue Train. If you know me, you will get it. If you don't, should I care........... **Get Yourself Committed**

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Internet Explorer, Firefox and NoScript...Adware Writer Speaks

Before you read the section I found, know thatI am not saying that IE is more dangerous...I post this to say that the market share makes it less safe, and NoScript under FF stops everything cold, if you choose...

From the article:

S: Can you tell me more about your strategies for persistence?

M: Yes. I should probably first speak about how adware works. Most adware targets Internet Explorer (IE) users because obviously they’re the biggest share of the market. In addition, they tend to be the less-savvy chunk of the market. If you’re using IE, then either you don’t care or you don’t know about all the vulnerabilities that IE has.

IE has a mechanism called a Browser Helper Object (BHO) which is basically a gob of executable code that gets informed of web requests as they’re going. It runs in the actual browser process, which means it can do anything the browser can do– which means basically anything. We would have a Browser Helper Object that actually served the ads, and then we made it so that you had to kill all the instances of the browser to be able to delete the thing. That’s a little bit of persistence right there.

If you also have an installer, a little executable, you can make a Registry entry and every time this thing reboots, the installer will check to make sure the BHO is there. If it is, great. If it isn’t, then it will install it. That’s fine until somebody goes and deletes the executable.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

WIKIPEDIA: RINO - Republican In Name Only

From the why-I-will-never-donate-to-wikipedia dept.

I won't correct what I see, because their byzantine fiefdoms are even more difficult to deal with than wi-forums. The pattern is the same (global warming's page as well), a cabal decides what is acceptable for their slice of the site.

Wikipedia has cult status.

PS- On "Hardball" they are talking about the polarizing figure running for a libertarian streak showed itself through Ron Paul. The "paleo-conservative" label you will see in tonight's example is a valid point. Conservatism is supposed to mean "smaller government," and no, we don't trust them. (emphases mine)


Link to tonight's example

MSNBC Conservative

An MSNBC Conservative is the counterpart to "Fox News Liberal" and is a pejorative term used to describe erstwhile conservative commentators, or RINOs, that often agree with liberal candidates and policies. The most prominent examples are MSNBC host Joe Scarborough and MSNBC contributor Peggy Noonan. All were either Republican officials or worked in Republican administrations, yet now take positions in sympathy with the Democratic party and the American left. MSNBC contributer Patrick Buchanan and former bow-tied host Tucker Carlson are sometimes considered in this category because they hold paleo-conservative views, that are felt to be out of touch with the neo-conservatives (sic) views that are prominent in the modern conservative movement, and cause them to side with modern liberals on certain issues like the Iraq War, free trade, and government jobs programs.


They don't realize why they lost the election, and are being abandoned by conservatives like me...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Zeitgeist Addendum and Social Security

Before I say anything, let me say that if you haven't seen Zeitgeist Addendum, you need to...who knows, it may inspire you to watch the original. It covers the real reason for the current financial crisis, using the Federal Reserve's own manual.
Zeitgeist Addendum

How does this relate to Social Security? I have known this for some time, and current events are proving that SS may well be a Ponzi Scheme: BusinessWeek

If you care for someone who is growing older (like my parents), this site may be invaluable to you: Resources For Families

If you take one thing from The Project, it should be Peace, Love and Understanding.

Freaking out about how bad things are will only make it worse. We need to be there for each other...

If it's any consolation, I have been "unemployed" since the end of February 2007. Keeping a cool head has served me well, and now that the bastids are gone, it is easier to do...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Things I have never seen said at SprintUsers...

Watch this space. I will be posting things I have never seen at Sprintusers over the next few months.

If you use your phone as your alarm clock, there are things you should know:

1. The only times it works are a)when you are in service and b) when you are at the idle screen. There are phones that neither of these is necessary, but for the majority of us these two rules are necessary...

2. If you have a flip and you leave it open, it will probably make the alarm ring longer...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The heart of the matter...

The math is's like the fire triangle, one thing missing and it goes down...

YOU *plus* ME *plus* COMMUNICATION *equals* relationship/friendship.

"We all like to eat, and we make love and we bleed the same color whenever we are cut" - Animal Bag (Login to hear their entire catalog for free.)